'No photos please' this phrase is usually synonymous with diva-like celebrities but we'd imagine that's what this gorilla would say if she could speak.
Kera, a fed up gorilla at Bristol Zoo showed one photographer exactly how she felt about constantly being papped, by giving him the middle finger.
Gorilla sticks up middle finger at photographer trying to take his picture @BristolZooGdns http://t.co/4W7PUX3Tj8 pic.twitter.com/jn2TW76LG2
— Bristol Live (@BristolLive) July 15, 2015
The gorilla was going about her business, just chilling out when photographer Bob Pitchford saw her playing with and chewing on some grass. When the gorilla saw the camera pointed in her direction, she turned towards it and gave the photographer the middle finger. Speaking to the Bristol Post, Pitchford said:
He really does look a bit cheesed off. As I spotted him he was just playing with some grass. Gorillas have fantastic hearing so when I started clicking he must have heard me. He just turned around and it looked like he was flipping me the middle finger. I was just really lucky to capture this.
Hat-Tip: The Bristol Post