The whole internet is writing about how everyone on the planet is either an introvert or an extrovert so we thought we better jump on the bandwagon too. For those of you that are unfamiliar with this phenomenon, the likes of Buzzfeed and Elite Daily are awash with posts about how introverts are class and deep and thoughtful and all that other crap.
When in actual surely everyone is a bit of both? And by continuously reinforcing this bullshit you're actually driving people further down the road of stereotype and encouraging people with no confidence in themselves to stay in their shell?
But lookit, the internet is boss so who are we to argue with it? Here are seven times you thought you were being really fun and cool but you were actually being really shy and profound.
1. When you bullied that smart kid in school
You thought you were being Mr/Mrs Popular but really you were just deeply insecure about your own intellectual failings.
2. When you pulled down my trousers on the dancefloor at my cousin's wedding
You thought you were being Mr/Mrs Popular but really were just being a drunk bollox.
3. When you personally abused a sports star on Twitter
You thought you being were being Mr/Mrs Popular but really you were just being a massive tool.
Also Paddy O'Rourke is an absolute coward. Runs in the family obviously #meath
— Patrick Thornton (@Patrick_Thorn) June 28, 2015
4. When you got too into karaoke
You thought you were being Mr/Mrs Popular but really you were just hurting people's ears.
5. When you got drunk and kept shouting at someone trying to perform on stage
You thought you were being Mr/Mrs Popular but really you were just ruining it on everybody.
6. When you quoted Father Ted over 100 times in a day
You thought you were being Mr/Mrs Popular but really you were just hiding the fact that you can't come up with anything witty or original to say.
7. When you posted some sanctimonious shite on social media when I wasn't actually that annoyed at all
You thought you being Mr/Mrs Popular but really you were just being an insufferable arsehole.