Nearly a week on from #HomeToVote the powers that be at Twitter have decided to honour the brilliant trend by putting the hashtag on a wall in their head offices.
#hometovote on our wall at HQ
— Helen (@HelenMoyes) May 28, 2015
It isn't the first time they've done something like this, with other poignant hastags being put on the wall in the past, such as #Ferguson.
came into work to see #Ferguson tagged in the #TwitterHQ commons. #lovewhereyouwork
— Elyssa Toda (@Elyssa) August 21, 2014
The #HomeToVote hashtag peaked at 9.30am on Friday at a whopping 110 tweets per minute, with over 72,000 tweets in total. This heatmap, from Ivor Crotty tells the whole story: