
Video: Bill Hader Absolutely Butchers The Irish Accent While Explaining How Much He Loves It

Video: Bill Hader Absolutely Butchers The Irish Accent While Explaining How Much He Loves It

You might think that someone who loves the Irish accent would probably have perfected it, or at least be half decent at copying it. Well in this case you would be very very wrong in following that train(wreck) of thought.

Bill Hader, was on Late Night with Seth Meyers talking all things "Trainwreck" and the press tour he was recently on in Dublin promoting the new movie which also stars the fantastic Amy Schumer.

Hader is a big fan of our fair isle and loves our accent and he was explaining to Meyers how an Irish "Inside Out" fan was asking for autographs when he made the fatal mistake of attempting to tell the story in an Irish accent.

Instead a slightly Australian/Northern Irish/Scottish Leprechaun sound came out of his mouth. It's lucky we think he's great or there would be war over his hideous attempt at our accent. It's actually quite funny once you get over the initial 'what type of bloody accent is he even attempting?' quizzical pondering.

Video: NBC

Mallorie Ronan

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