I'm only going to say this once more:
- A calf is not a cow
- A heifer is not a cow
- A bullock is not a cow
- A bull is not a cow
A cow is a cow.
I've had it up to here with people referring to all Irish bovinae as cows. They are not cows.
Tell me this Les, if you saw a young boy running down the M50 would you tweet "There's a loose woman in the central median southbound at the M50/M11 merge."?
No. No you would not. So why do it for a young bullock?
There are two major issues at hand here. First off, the discrimination against males is simply staggering. Time and time again, I see people referring to bullocks and bulls as "cows". This is sexist. Pure and simple. You should all hang your heads in shame.
Secondly, and perhaps even more worryingly, is the sexualisation of cattle at such a young age. In this day and age I think we can all agree that they should be allowed keep their innocence and playfulness for as long as possible. But no. Calves who are barely a couple of months old are already being referred to as cows.
Even George RR Martin wouldn't be so bold as to sexualise one of his female characters at such a young age. What's worse is that the actual owner of this calf also referred to it as a cow.
Not only has she called a calf a cow, she has called a male calf a cow and is openly bragging about the fact that she knows he's male. What the hell is this man at?
I feel that if I do not stand up now and say enough is enough, then who will? These cattle do not have a voice in our society. It's time we gave them one.