This isn't a Waterford Whispers article, you can't make this stuff up. This isn't a fan fiction account of the next James Bond, but a pidgeon has been arrested. Yes, those slightly irritating birds that poo everywhere have been detained on suspicion of spying.
According to the Irish Examiner, police in the Indian village of Manwal arrested the bird two miles from the Pakistani border after a 14-year-old boy noticed a message on it's body.
The pidgeon has been X-rayed, and the bired remained under arrest as a suspected spy. The senior police superintendent later confirmed that "nothing adverse has been found" yet they continued to keep the bird in custody.
Unsurprisingly, the powers of social media have launched several hashtags including #JeSuisPidgeon and #PidgeonVsIndia calling for the pidgeon to be freed. Most people seem as surprised as us, but other geniuses saw more opportunities for humour:
Stay safe india#PigeonVsIndia
— Naem Saleem (@NaemSaleem) May 30, 2015
Think thousand times before entering indian air space.. #PigeonVsIndia
— エ.ʀ (@wayofsoul) May 29, 2015