
Prepare To Be Scarred - Introducing Minion Menstrual Pads

Prepare To Be Scarred - Introducing Minion Menstrual Pads

No, unfortunately it's not a joke. Minion menstrual pads do in fact exist, and now the image of those lovable little yellow guys who were once so cute is ruined forever. Every time you think of them now you'll be reminded of the harrowing monthly torture that is your period.

People have been obsessed with the adorable little munch-kins ever since their debut in "Despicable me", not to mention their own movie "Minions" is very popular in the cinema, but this is taking it too bloody far (excuse the awful pun).

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately if you are a bit odd, Kevin and the gang can now be seen with their smiling little yellow heads on a set of maxi pads on sale on Etsy.

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It's a baffling one. No one should really be seeing your sanitary pad so why bother decorating them, and with such sweet little characters as well,  that will never be looked at the same again. ALSO, the sanitary pads in question appear to be reusable which is just disgusting in itself, regardless of the cute minion on it. Sick.

minion pads

You can get them in blue, yellow and even in a multi-pack if you so wish, although it's hard to see why you would. It's a sad day for minion lovers everywhere.

minion pad 3

Hat-Tip and Photos Credit: Buzzfeed


Mallorie Ronan

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