
The Tim Riggins True Detective Conspiracy Theory Has Taken A Disturbing Twist

The Tim Riggins True Detective Conspiracy Theory Has Taken A Disturbing Twist

I'm not sure how to tell everyone this. I ... I ... can't find the words.

Firstly let me direct any first time readers to catch up here on our conspiracy theory that Paul Woodrugh in True Detective is actually Tim Riggins' alter ego after he fled Dillon...

The Secret Tim Riggins True Detective Storyline - Episode 1

The Secret Tim Riggins True Detective Storyline: Episode 2

The Secret Tim Riggins True Detective Storyline: Episode 3

Massive Developments In The Tim Riggins True Detective Conspiracy Theory: Epsiode 4 and 5

Now that you've caught up with everyone, let's discuss our team of researchers' latest findings. Look it, I'm just going to come straight out and say it. After weighing up all the evidence we've come to the conclusion that Tim Riggins doesn't actually exist.

Yes, you heard me!

Tim Riggins never existed

Last week we thought we'd blown the whole story wide open when came up with the theory that Tim became Paul Woodrugh after leaving Dillon to play football for Black Mountain but there were still some questions we just couldn't answer.

Like why does Tim's mother call him 'Paulie'? If Tim grew up in Dillon then why is she out in California now? In fact why was there never any mention of his parents or his Californian heritage in Friday Night Lights?


I'll tell you why. Because Tim Riggins isn't pretending to be Paul Woodrugh. Paul Woodrugh was pretending to be Tim Riggins!

Think about it. We've got a whole back story to Paul. His mother was a dancer, whose career was ruined by getting pregnant. She has no idea who his father is but at least we know that much. Who are Tim's parents? No one knows. My guess is he didn't get on with Mammy Woodrugh because she was bitter about him ending her job so his big brother Billy took a young Paul to Dillon.

There, Billy - if that is his real name - started a new life for himself and Paul. Two laid back guys without a care in the world.

He's still real to me, dammit!

So there you have it. Are you shocked? I know I am. You may need a sit down.

Having wrestled with this realisation for a couple of days now I'm happy to say there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This feeling that you've fallen down a black hole where nothing makes sense and only pain exists, this feeling will pass. There is hope. There is a tomorrow. You know how I know? Tim Riggins taught me that.

And I don't give a flying fuck if it says Tim or not on his birth cert, he's real to me dammit! No one can tell me those five years didn't happen. No one can tell me that he wasn't the best damn player on that Dillon team. No one can tell me that he didn't help Jason Street get over his crippling injury and reunite him with the mother of his child. Goddammit, no one can tell me that he wasn't the best father figure Becky could have wished for!

I don't care! I DON'T CARE!

Come home Tim. Leave Paul Woodrugh behind. Sometimes your fake self is your best self.


Mark Farrelly
Article written by
Cavan bureau chief. Former Miss World 1997 contestant.

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