The News

Slane Crowds Target Poor Old Unfortunate Garda In Entertaining Heckle

As announcements go, those that come at the end of mud filled night in a field in North Meath aren't usually the type you'd expect to enjoy. Easily the worst part of a trip to Slane, is the trip back, unless you found yourself watching Bryan Adams and Macy Gray back in the year 2000.

Last evening, as the Foo Fighters were headed to Buck Mulligans in Athboy to toast their success, the crowds in Slane did what they could to pass the hours it was going to take to get firstly to their bus and then finally on the road home in their wet wranglers, they took the piss out of an official in charge, and they did so in great oul humour altogether.

Hal LaRoux
Article written by
Former child and failed 110m hurdler.

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