
The New Mission Impossible Trailer Can Be Very Confusing For Irish People

The New Mission Impossible Trailer Can Be Very Confusing For Irish People

Watch the above trailer and then come back to me...

So turns out the IMF stands for 'Impossible Missions Force,' the team of agents Ethan Hawke belongs to and Alec Baldwin apparently wants to shut down. However, given our recent history with them, an Irish person like myself could be forgiven for thinking they were talking about the International Monetary Fund.

That's exactly how I read it for most of the trailer and it led to me getting the wrong end of the stick completely. My first thoughts were 'Oh, they're going to tackle the issue of the IMF? This could actually get interesting.' Then there was the whole drama of Baldwin wanting to shut them down, coupled with me trying to comprehend why Cruise would have to go under water to deal with Christine Lagarde and her comrades.

Then, of course, there was the startling revelation that Tom Cruise was IN the IMF! The bastard.

My mind then switched to:

Wait a minute? A rogue nation are trying to take down the IMF? A new country who wants all the money!?

I don't know who to support here.

It wasn't until after the trailer that I googled what they meant by IMF and discovered it was something completely different. Sure, some may argue that I should have known that at this stage but in the previous film I was too distracted by how bad it was to take in any kind of initialisms.


Mark Farrelly
Article written by
Cavan bureau chief. Former Miss World 1997 contestant.

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